Friday, January 24, 2025

Positive daily reminders art by Paul Carter

Positive daily reminders.

A spontaneous, freehand, sketch, of some reminders we each have today.  To choose the positive self talk and learning the power of self regulating.. to have a healthy routine in the morning and evening before sleep, is key.  To get the mind and body aligned and flexible and focused on all of the good with gratitude..

The first sketch is 3/4 completed, showing the process.  It’s a Meditation and activating the right and left side of the brain.  It is opening up the mind to train it to stay present..
I’m reminded once again the importance of awareness and listening to the body when it’s tight and tense.  To breathe and work on those pressure points to release, renew, and restore the mind body back into harmony.
Sanclementesurfboards & art by Paul Carter
Keep creating, and remember no validation required.   Keep the fire stoked with positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions daily.
Thanks for checking out the latest.
join me on Instagram and YouTube @paulcarterart
Positive art san Clemente surfboards by Paul Carter


Friday, December 06, 2024

Broken to a new life art by Paul Carter

Broken to a new life, painted cutting board by Paul Carter 2024.

Where is your perception? Do you see the positives or negatives, either way it’s a mental training to learn how to focus on the positives and be aware of the negative conditioning.

This was given to me by a good friend James after a great breakfast at the beach.

I put some temporary tape on the back to keep it together while I was painting it.
Focusing on the positive thoughts, feelings and emotions it’s a daily training that no one can do for us, but ourselves.
Cutting board art by Paul carter
This is the final version of multiple layers of paints and highlighting.  I also added a little bit of glitter to highlight the reflections that you would see in the water and the waves..
When I say broken to me, it means breaking another layer of the conditioned lies that are longer helping me in a positive way.
I used a variety of paints from acrylic paints to paint pens to tulip paints, which is used on clothing.

Thank you each for following the blog journey and following me on YouTube and Instagram both are @paulcarterart.

Stay present, and remember, no validation required.
Broken to a new life cutting board are by Paul Carter 2024


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Surfing San Clemente surfboards by Paul Carter 10-2024

Surfing is a lot like life.
With each new day, and each new wave, one has to commit into the gravity of change.
And this day and swell in October this was a spontaneous 10-15 minute window shot by my friend Leo.

I would like to share a little bit of the backstory of these three screenshots from some drone footage.

On this day, the waves were between six and 8 feet, with 4 to 6 waves in each set.

Before these images, I caught my first wave, and the wave closed out and got caught up in the white You water and lost my board.

I was still pretty far outside, and I had a long swim in to get my board.  I managed to get my board in about knee-deep water, I took some deep breaths and turned around and paddled back out through another set of waves..

I made it back out and focused on getting and staying present and got back into proper breathing.

This was the second wave I caught and It was a speed run to say the least..

I am riding a 8 foot eight single fin square tail with a 9 inch fin.

First photo I’m committing to the turn 
Surfershaperartist Paul Carter
This image I’m locked into the turn
Full speed gravity turn.    Thanks for checking out the latest see you in the surf.

 Find me on Instagram and YouTube @paulcarterart

Friday, November 08, 2024

San Clemente surfboards & art since 1993 by #paulcarterart

One of the tribe members Phil with his custom shaped and painted 9’6.

Custom san Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter

Tribe members Jack, izaac, franchesco and Monika surf stoked at sano.
San Clemente surfboards sano 9-2024 by Paul carter
These paintings are in a recent custom for Michael who is evolving into a unique surfer with his own style.  Also a excellent leather worker with custom art, and engravings.
Custom surfboards & art by Paul Carter 2024

 Top and bottom both freehand paintings 
Custom made surfboards & art by Paul Carter 2024
Thanks positive tribe see you in or out of the water. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Custom san Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter

A custom 10 foot with three Redwood stringers.

The center stringer is quarter inch and the side stringers are 1/8.

The blank is custom made by US blanks

This is a cross between a classic with a little performance for gliding and carving with a slight edge, 

The last foot and a half of the board makes it project out of the turn, instead of simply pivoting.
The round pen is much smoother for overall surfing,, and the square tail releases, quicker out of a turn
Custom san Clemente surfboards & Art by Paul Carter
Started adding the feet on the nose in the mid 90s and it progressed into more art from 2000 on from abstract paintings to tropical surf dreams
Here is a custom freehand original artwork requested by the client using pencil.
Thank you for the positive support and empowering conversations. All shapes and sizes available custom shapes colors, resin tints, etc.
Email or call for your next one of kind surfboard.    949-370-5807


Saturday, September 14, 2024

San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter

A custom made surfboard with hand painted original abstract artwork.

Building custom shaped and painted surfboards since 1993 by a Surfer Shaper Artist.

Experience is priceless.

These are the colors the client requested along with some modifications with dimensions, and the outline and rocker.   

Each board is made for the individual and there experience and the type of waves and surfing they like to do.

Here is the custom fin that goes with the board

Custom painted fin by Paul Carter 2024

Custom abstract painted fin by Paul Carter 2024

San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter
This board is a 8’8 I made for a little bigger surf and still have the speed for nose riding and turning.
San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter
I have ridden this board about 5 times in 1 foot surf to a foot over head and it covers what I am after. 

Thank you each for the trust and positive support and intentions to create your custom surfboards and artwork. 

Any questions you can email me or send a text.
San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter


Monday, August 19, 2024

Custom San Clemente surfboards &art by Paul Carter

Research and development surfing on custom made surfboards & art.
I still get stoked on shaping new boards for clients and for myself.  
Here is a 9ft board about 22.75 wide single fin set up.  This board weighs around 14.50 to 15.50 Lbs.
This is a choppy smalls day about 1-2ft surf with some pockets to create enough momentum to make some turns.
Surfer shaper artist Paul carter 2024

Custom made surfboards & art by Paul Carter
One of the was I keep the fire stoked is to keep surfing and to keep rotating the boards every 6-12 months.
This is the latest 9 footer I have been riding.  I have had in 2ft up to 6ft and it covers everything from trimming to nose riding to carving when the waves are permitting the speed.
Custom san Clemente surfboards by Paul Carter

Custom shaped surfboards by Paul Carter 2024
The finished shaped board, clean and simple with the wedge stringers inspired by Rene Yater, in the mid 90s may begin using that set up on my own boards.
San. Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter
A small day with some quick nose rides through the chop. 
Thank you each for your positive support energy and intentions.
See you in the surf.
Nose riding a longboard by Paul carter