Saturday, July 23, 2022

The journey from within by Paul Carter

 Everyday you, me and we, have to make choices from the inside out, which I believe the real journey begins from within๐Ÿ—


I have learned by doing through my life, and the true test began 5 years 7 months ago๐ŸŒŠ


I had to make many, many, many, life changing choices, to put all I had learned up to that point to the test, the Mental, spiritual, physical, and the soul๐Ÿ”ฅ


I had to face each of these layers of conditioning one hour at a time, one day at a time๐ŸŒ’


The reality of facing the fears, the lies and the negative conditioning takes great courage and strength and patience and perseverance and for me a strong faith into the unknown, from the inside out, by truly staying present one hour one day at a time⏳


Yes I could have forced myself to continue to live from the outside in or make a choice for my life my health and well-being to live from the inside out๐Ÿ—


I am grateful and thankful to say I am not codependent on drugs or alcohol or people, or things to function in my life๐Ÿ—


Natural plants and even alcohol have healthy aspects if used properly and responsibly not everyday, and not being codependent with any of them to function in one’s life is key in general⏳


I do not recommend any drugs or alcohol to anyone and I am not judging anyone for your choices, I am simply sharing parts of my journey,  if you can’t control it don’t do it๐Ÿ—


It’s a daily training of how do you want to feel, how do you want to live, how do you want to share your  passion and purpose to help others ? not jus oneself๐Ÿ—


I have not shared my journey with to many people by choice and I will say as I mentioned going back in time to 5 years 7 months I had to seriously choose to live and rebuild my life from the inside out mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially⏳

To be continued with parts here and Instagram 


Thank you to each and everyone of you for the empowering positive conversations and support on this journey๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ


Join the Instagram tribe ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ thank you

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Art in a bottle by Paul Carter

The positive messages in a bottle

As I write the above words I flash through childhood memories and emotions of different parts of my journey.
I believe and feel my mother planted the first positive seeds that have grown into strong roots. 
Being the youngest of 9 siblings there are 7 boys 
 and 2 girls. 
 I learned so much from each and everyone of them and the variety of people in the neighborhood’s.
I learned a lot in grade school which was awesome and grew up with most of the people from kindergarten to eighth grade with only a few new kids every other year or so.
I remember on either my 18th or 19th birthday a group of friends gave me a 2 inch book of positive quotes from all types of people.
Yes I read through that book periodically for many years and eventually was stored in one of the many boxes of stuff.
Yes there are many points to why I share these thoughts that come up, and the boxes of stuff is both mental and physical.

There is not one point or tip or hack or quick fix, it’s a seasonal journey of waves of change.
As I learned both personal and business I began to realize they both are connected and take time and energy.
So began cleaning house mentally and physically and going through many, many boxes. It took and takes lot of time and energy and emotions to go through those mental and physical boxes and decide what to let go of and what to keep, give, sell or donate.

The art that I began with was tropical dreams murals and evolved into more abstract into the positive reminders for daily life.
So the bottle is a inspiration from childhood through to the present from movies from friends and family, to the importance of the mind and the positive self talk and the Conversations.
Choosing the thoughts and words is a training and it’s a daily hourly training in between life‘s responsibilities.

I would paint my personal surfboards and add positive reminders to look at in between waiting for waves. 

That evolved through friends boards into many customers and into painting amd drawings into A first and second edition coloring book for all ages called waves of change.
The first edition laid the foundation and truly helped me to stay present and focused on the good on the positive thoughts the positive words the positive people in my life and learning by doing mentally, spiritually, and  physically daily.
The second edition is a journal journey of art learning and the mental and physical training of inspired creativity.
Positive imagination art by Paul Carter

I am grateful and thankful for each and everyone of you for your positive support words energy and intentions.

Find your passion and purpose and do not compare yourself to anyone else’s life.  If you are doing good and sharing good and planting positive seeds, remember 
no validation is required simply trust the process and build your confidence through courage and enjoy a healthy lifestyle with healthy priorities.

First edition for all ages

Second edition the inside out journey