Friday, February 17, 2017

Art Inspired By Nature by Paul Carter #026

The start of the art for 2017 showing the first paintings and drawing in january one of a series of 6 paintings.

Paul Carter Art
I like to get out in nature as often as possible and is a big part of my inspiration and staying balanced and grounded.  I'm looking forward to this new year and growing forward with new goals and new creativity.

I have been working with clients in the last couple of months sharing parts of what I have been doing for staying balanced from the inside out.  Most of which is centered around health and nutrition and a guided breathing balance sessions to name a few.  When your ready to take your health and fitness to the next level I am here to guide you on the journey.  Email or 949-370-5807 to schedule a phone interview to see what I can help you with.  I look forward to hearing from you.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Freedom from the fog into health

Morning fog 630am reminded me of how I searched for many years to find clarity and focus  and purpose with passion.  I Am connected to the unlimited source of God and the creative freedom that comes from doing the work from the inside out to release and get renewed mentally, spiritually, physically and the soul.  What I learned from drugs and alcohol is they both kept me in the fog from waking up with clarity, focus and awareness to having more euphoric feelings without either one.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ink Art positive reminder by PaulCarter

We hold the keys to the choices we make each and every day to either do the work from the inside and grow forward and really clean house or repeat the same thoughts and pictures and patterns and ask yourself why hasn't anything changed in my life.   It is a mental, spiritual, physical and soul journey each and every day.   I know by experience what works and I Have learned to simplify the process and the time it takes to get healthier in much less time and money. So what are you waiting for and how long are you going to wait before you get yourself where you want to be from the inside out. 

So feel free to send me an email to or call 949-370-5807 and will get set a time to get you in track and enjoy life on a higher level.

Join me on Instagram/pcboards

Have a great day stay focused on the good always and keep creating