Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Sunrise is Dana Point 1-19

I like to wake up early which is anywhere from 4 to 530 naturally, with no alarm clock.

Watching a sunrise is equivalent to watching a sunset with a variety of colors that inspire my brain and body to create new paintings and drawings.
sailing ship in Dana Point
Sunrise Dana Point by
Paul Carter
The mornings are the times I like to get really focused on the future of the day that I want to create from each level from the inside out.  It takes practice consistently to learn how and it is so empowering to learn how to elevate the thoughts and energy I want to create for my future of the day.
Sunrise in SoCal Dana Point harbor 1-19 Paul Carter
Sunrise Dana Point Harbor
by Paul Carter 1-19
The waves of change start in the present moment not the past.  The past memories and experience are the wisdom and the present thoughts and energy is my future in the present moment.  Over time the mind will become more focused on designing the future instead of the lies of conditioning we have all been programmed with.
waves in dana point
Waves in Dana Point
by Paul Carter 1-19
Keep creating and always stay focused on the thoughts you do want to create in your mind and be aware of the thoughts you do not want to give anymore energy to.

Thank you for taking the time to check out the latest post of the journey.

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