Thursday, February 23, 2023

Custom hand shaped hand painted surfboard by Paul Carter

I always enjoy seeing the original paintings and the surfboards in and out of the water, even when they are hanging in a home or a business.
When looking at this painting, keep in mind this is all freehand nothing is traced.  This is painted directly on the foam of a hand shaped board.  I will start with the sky and the water first.  Then I will begin the placing of the wave outlines and the islands etc. 
I remember painting the rocks and learning how to the shadows with different colors and adding the white achieve more depth under the water and on top of the water.
I am a self taught artist and everything I have learned by doing.
Custom hand shaped hand painted surfboard by Paul Carter san Clemente surfboards

Below is a short video of the overview and completed surfboard.   The highlights and detail is on the sanded coat just before a gloss coat and polish. 
At the time of this commission It was the beginning of a nonstop 4 year creative art journey, participating in art fairs, art shows, art walks and art galleries.
I was commissioned to create custom surfboards for corporate companies and homeowners ranging from Dietrich coffeehouse, to Lowe’s, the babyGap, Saint Judes hospital, McDonald’s, union bank, and numerous restaurants from El Patio CafĂ©, to El Ranchito, to name a few.
I am very grateful for each and every opportunity from  the past to the present and the future commissions for boards and art in the works.
I am grateful and thankful for all of my family and friends and all of the positive uplifting conversations and positive intentions.
I am grateful for prosperity which is not simply money it is a wide vast variety of gifts and blessings from the inside out.

 Thanks for following the journey and joining the tribe on YouTube and Instagram/pcboards 

Keep the creative fire start with positive thoughts and healthy priorities daily.

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