Thursday, March 06, 2025

Do the work daily San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter

Do the work daily, with healthy priorities, and healthy boundaries.

It is so very important to learn how to self regulate the heart, the mind, the spirit and body daily.

Over many years, I have had to learn what proper breathing is.  The right way to breathe when going through high-pressure situations or confusion.

I have had to learn the power of a breathing meditation to truly stay present to clear the mind and body to release and renew and restore.

The mind and body is so powerful and one will become addicted to the feel good chemicals from social media which is designed that way.  The constant need of validation from people or even going to church can become an insecure ego driven condition.  Alcohol or drugs become an unhealthy escape from simply taking responsibility.ll
I am grateful and thankful to have a clear sound mind, spirit, and body,. It takes consistent will power, and the Freewill  power to make healthy choices today this moment right now..
For myself growing up in an athletic family surfing, mountain biking, running, hiking, thus all helped me to simply have logic of the times I went through drinking alcohol and yes, waking up the next day feeling tired and hung over..  

I realized overtime I got tired of it and I wanted to surf and I no longer wanted to waste a day or two recovering from alcohol and deplete my energy.

 It’s that simple it takes a reality check to get to that point with logic to break those unhealthy habits and patterns.
For me, it was not an escape or running away from anyone or anything.  It was simply a fun party atmosphere.  I’m grateful that I recognize that many years ago..
I also recognize that we can’t save anyone from the unhealthy conditioning.  Yes we can help to inspire them and support them, but ultimately they have to make those choices to not turn to alcohol or drugs to escape. 
There is no escape and the mental self talk is what keeps most people in the unhealthy patterns or loop. 

 we each have to truly want to change In order to be free and healthy and happy with a whole lot more energy and a clear mind and body.  

Be happy and healthy it sounds simple, but it takes a lot of courage and confidence and consistency to want ti be truly free and happy. 

No one can do it for you only you and the faith to believe. 

San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter

Thanks for checking out the latest thoughts on the journey.   
Join the positive tribe on YouTube and Instagram @paulcarterart.
This is a 8’8 for a little bigger surf and less nose.
Some R/D to follow soon 

San Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter


Friday, February 14, 2025

Wake up and stay present-san Clemente surfboards & art by @paulcarterart

Wake up and stay present, 
Art by Paul Carter

I am reminded of the importance of knowing one’s self.
To break the conditioned chains of lies in the subconscious mind. it takes a lot of courage and training and awareness and consistency to do so.
Positive reminders art by Paul Carter
When one is codependent and addicted to people, places or things, including drugs, alcohol and social media which is another feel good addiction as well. Each gives a false sense of security for the ego.
Freedom is by choice, free will is a choice to have the  willpower to make healthy choices and have healthy boundaries, takes daily consistent courage and training to learn.
We can’t help anyone that does not want to take responsibility for their choices.

Here is some logic for you, If you’re getting migraine headaches and lying to yourself and everyone else.  Knowing the truth that you are drinking a bottle of wine to cope with the conditioned lies that are holding you back there is no self control at all.
That makes no logical sense if you want to live a healthy lifestyle or wake up feeling tired and drained with a migraine headache that comes from alcohol.
Guilt and shame comes from conditioning, and most of the time it’s because one is living a lie and hiding from taking responsibility for their own actions and choices. Instead, they are blaming everyone for not having any self control and for all of their own unhappiness. That a selfish victim mentality.
I also realize that people hide behind many addictions to feel good.  Even the feel good that comes from churches or the Bible when used out of context.
Ego is a powerful, unhealthy addiction because it’s all based on insecurities and the need for validation which is a false sense of security.
We cannot help those type of people until they wake up and take responsibility for their choices.

Thanks for taking the time to check out the latest blog journal. 
Have a great day remember, no validation required. Keep the creative fire stoked with healthy boundaries and priorities daily.
Listen to your intuition and your gut/heart and you will save a lot of time and energy on people that don’t deserve it. 


Friday, January 24, 2025

Positive daily reminders san Clemente surfboards & art by Paul Carter

Positive daily reminders.

A spontaneous, freehand, sketch, of some reminders we each have today.  To choose the positive self talk and learning the power of self regulating.. to have a healthy routine in the morning and evening before sleep, is key.  To get the mind and body aligned and flexible and focused on all of the good with gratitude..

The first sketch is 3/4 completed, showing the process.  It’s a Meditation and activating the right and left side of the brain.  It is opening up the mind to train it to stay present..
I’m reminded once again the importance of awareness and listening to the body when it’s tight and tense.  To breathe and work on those pressure points to release, renew, and restore the mind body back into harmony.
Sanclementesurfboards & art by Paul Carter
Keep creating, and remember no validation required.   Keep the fire stoked with positive thoughts, feelings, and emotions daily.
Thanks for checking out the latest.
join me on Instagram and YouTube @paulcarterart
Positive art san Clemente surfboards by Paul Carter